Re: [resent PATCH] Re: very slow parallel read performance

From: Marc (
Date: Sun Aug 26 2001 - 18:24:39 EST

On Sun, Aug 26, 2001 at 11:07:07PM +0200, Daniel Phillips <> wrote:
> To recap, you made these changes:
> - Changed to -ac
> - Set max-readahead through proc
> Anything else? Did you change MAX_SECTORS?

no, I tinkered a lot with my server (freeing up memory), which obviously
helped somewhat and increased socket buffers to 256k max., makeing i/o
more chunky and thus more efficient. i also use more than one reader
thread: under linus' kernels more than one thread made the situation
worse, on the ac kernels they seem to slightly improve throughout, up to a

> > no longer thrashing. And linux does the job nicely ;)
> Good, but should we rest on our laurels now?

well, linux-2.4 has a lot of dark corners that need improving, but the
machine does no longer totally misbehave (4 or 5 mb/s is debatable, but
2mb/s with more memory and higher load is not ;). it's now acceptable to
me ;)

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