Re: aic7xxx errors with 2.4.8-ac7 on 440gx mobo

From: Cliff Albert (
Date: Sat Aug 25 2001 - 02:15:17 EST

On Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 03:44:34PM -0600, Justin T. Gibbs wrote:

> >And here they are, the dmesg is my bootup dmesg with the devices drivers
> >and stuff, and the second dmesg is the actual errors (verbose turned on)
> You need OFOJ or better firmware in your Fireball ST. The firmware you
> have now is known to be bad. Before Maxtor's purchase of Quantum's
> disk line, you used to be able to get firmware updates off of
>, but they've hence cleared out those files. In a
> quick look through Maxtor's site, I could not find the relevant files.

Actually my scsi errors disappeared all when i upgraded my P2B-S motherboard
to bios version 1014 Beta 1A (which inclused adaptec bios v3.10). It's available

Cliff Albert		| RIPE:	     CA3348-RIPE |		| 6BONE:     CA2-6BONE	 | icq 18461740
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