RE: Swap size for a machine with 2GB of memory

From: Kevin Krieser (
Date: Sun Aug 19 2001 - 19:05:08 EST

I was just experimenting on my personal Linux computer this weekend, which
has 512MB of RAM and 700MB of swap. I also have an unpatched 2.4.8 kernel

I wrote a program that allocated 700MB of RAM and touched every page, then
read it back in. When finished, there remained 250+ meg of swap in use, but
no corresponding free space in RAM, compared to before running my test
program. The expected behavior of the 2.4 kernels seemed to be followed,
where many programs retained space in both RAM and swap.

However, since my normal behavior is for swap to not be used, I will wait a
little bit for some of the VM updates to be tested.

I don't have 2X RAM because when I installed my system, I only had 256MB of

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