Re: broken memory chip -> software fix?

From: John Levon (
Date: Fri Aug 17 2001 - 09:21:52 EST

On Fri, Aug 17, 2001 at 04:15:05PM +0200, David Madore wrote:

> Hi all.
> I have a broken bit in my memory - at address 0x04d5ae38 if you want
> to know the details (bit 29 of the double word there sometimes reads
> as 1 when it was written as 0, in particular if bit 15 is at 1). I
> discovered this by observing a one-bit corruption of some files, and
> diagnosed it by running memtest86.

badRAM patch linked from (please check there first
in the future, most things should be listed).

> translation? If so, how? I would prefer not to have to patch the
> kernel, if at all possible.

it's not


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