disk quota + 2.4.3 and higher -- OOPS

From: Zakhar Kirpichenko (zakhar@silver.com.ua)
Date: Wed Aug 15 2001 - 08:50:25 EST

        Hello over there.

        Sorry for offtopic (may be), but disk quotas don't work on Red Hat
Linux 7.1 and kernels 2.2.x and 2.4.x. Quota tools installed from RPM
package provided in standard RH distribution: quota-3.00-4, 2.4.2-2 kernel
sources taken from the dist too. Other kernel versions support quota
partially: repquota gives some quota statistics, but the kernel doesn't
update quota data until 'quotacheck' is run manually. Disk quotas don't
work too - even when repquota shows some limits, 'quota' doesn't and any
user can write to the fs inspite of the disk limits.

        Please, help if you have any ideas.

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