Re: Mulitple 3c509 cards 2.4.x Kernel

From: Paul Gortmaker (
Date: Fri Aug 10 2001 - 01:46:43 EST

> I have a x86 server with multiple(2) 3c509 cards. When I build the 3c509
> driver
> into the kernel. It will only pick up a single card. The cards are
> NOT in pnp mode
> according to isapnp on boot. I have added:
> append = "ether=3,0x300,0,0,eth0 ether=10,0x280,0,0,eth1"
> to the lilo file and still only one card is detected. The io ports and

The 3c509 is an anomaly in comparison to other ISA cards, in that
you DONT want to specify I/O (or irq) values. 3Com used a scheme that
allows relatively safe ISA probes, and specifying an I/O base will
do nothing but interfere with that. (This is documented btw)

In your case, a simple

append = "ether=0,0,eth1"

should do the trick (assuming the ether= parsing is currently
functional... :)


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