Re: [PATCH] vfat write wrong value into lcase flag

From: Nerijus Baliunas (
Date: Wed Aug 08 2001 - 15:14:37 EST

On 09 Aug 2001 00:30:58 +0900 OGAWA Hirofumi <> wrote:

OH> The current vfat is writeing wrong value into lcase flag. It is
OH> writing the lowercase flag, although filename is uppercase.


In December 1999 I sent my investigation about short filenames in vfat:

there were some complaints about linux not handling upper/lowercase
filenames in vfat correctly (they are below). So I did some investigation.
I created following directories (or files, it does not matter):

in Linux: LINUP, linlow
in win98: 98UP, 98low
in NT4: NTUP, ntlow
in W2k: W2KUP, w2klow

Now what ls/dir shows:

in Linux: LINUP, linlow, 98up, 98low, ntup, ntlow, w2kup, w2klow
in win98: LINUP, LINLOW, 98UP, 98low, NTUP, NTLOW, W2KUP, W2KLOW
in NT4: LINUP, linlow, 98UP, 98low, NTUP, ntlow, W2KUP, w2klow
in W2K: LINUP, linlow, 98UP, 98low, NTUP, ntlow, W2KUP, w2klow

So I would suggest NT/W2K shows everything correctly (if we can call so,
because microsoft mixed everything up), and win98/Linux shows differently
in opposite directions. I think Linux should follow one of win95/98 or NT/W2K,
and since NT/W2K seams more reasonable, Linux could display filenames
like NT (Linux creates filenames similar to NT already).

There is no such problem with mixed up/low or with filenames
containing more than 8 characters.

I like this table format better, with errors marked:

in Linux: LINUP linlow <98up> 98low <ntup> ntlow
in win98: LINUP <LINLOW> 98UP 98low NTUP <NTLOW>
in NT4: LINUP linlow 98UP 98low NTUP ntlow

Clearly NT displays everything right.
Lowercase must be written the Win98 way.
Uppercase must be written the Linux way.
Then I sent a diskette image to Al Viro:

> I am sending diskette image, made with
> dd if=/dev/fd0 of=fdd_vfat bs=512 count=2847

Aha... In other words, for NT in short records bit 3 at offset 0xc
means 'lowercase it'. 9x ignores the thing. Everybody handle the long
entries the same way. Umhm... Thanks.

I think Linux should create files like win98
(because NT shows them correctly) and show like NT.


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