Use kernel module instead Big Physical Area patch

From: Constantine Gavrilov (
Date: Sun Aug 05 2001 - 05:51:37 EST


I wrote a small kernel module that defines and exports bfree() and
bmalloc() functions. The idea is to use this kernel module as a
replacement for big physcial area kernel patch.

For example, zoran kernel driver relies on the big physical area API for
v4l (used for video-in-a-window) to work. While the driver will compile
and load with a non-patched kernel, v4l will not work reliably without
big physical area support since the chip needs about 2megs of contiguous
memory to display in a window. This means one really has to use a
patched kernel.

This module removes this requirement and allows v4l to work reliably
with a non-patched kernel. The idea is to load the module from initrd or
right after boot. I have used __get_free_pages() and mem_map_reserve()
to pre-allocate the memory.
I have left the user-mode code that I used to debug allocation and
garbage collection. Compiled into a user-space program, the code will
allocate/free random chunks from a pre-allocated space and print out the
used list.


1) On a 256 MB machine, I was able to pre-allocate 512 pages using
__get_free_pages(...,get_order(size)). It is enough for one card, but
not for more. Any ideas on how to pre-allocate more?
2) __get_free_pages(...,get_order(size)) can be used to pre-allocate 2^n
contiguous pages (2,4,16,...512, ...., 1024). Can I use something else
from a kernel module to request a number that is not 2^n (say 750)?

Constantine Gavrilov
Linux Leader
Optibase Ltd
7 Shenkar St, Herzliya 46120, Israel
Phone: (972-9)-970-9140
Fax:   (972-9)-958-6099

/*************************************************************************** memreserve.c - description ------------------- begin : Tue Jul 31 2001 copyright : (C) 2001 by Optibase Ltd email : ***************************************************************************/

/*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/

#ifndef __KERNEL__ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <errno.h>

/* module stuff */ #define MOD_INC_USE_COUNT #define MOD_DEC_USE_COUNT #define EXPORT_SYMBOL(x) #define MODULE_PARM(x,y) #define GFP_USER #define GFP_DMA

/* memory management stuff */ #define kmalloc(x,y) (malloc(x)) #define kfree(x) (free(x)) #define __get_free_pages(x,y) (malloc(y)) #define free_pages(x, y) (free((void *)x)) #define mem_map_reserve(x) (printf("reserve print: 0x%08lx\n",x)) #define mem_map_unreserve(x) (printf("unreserve print: 0x%08lx\n",x)) #define virt_to_page(x) (x) #define phys_to_virt(x) (x) #define get_order(x) (x) /* from asm/page.h */ #define PAGE_SHIFT 12 #define PAGE_SIZE (1UL << PAGE_SHIFT) #define PAGE_MASK (~(PAGE_SIZE-1)) #define PAGE_ALIGN(addr) (((addr)+PAGE_SIZE-1)&PAGE_MASK)

/* lock stuff */ #define write_lock(x) (pthread_mutex_lock(x)) #define write_unlock(x) (pthread_mutex_unlock(x)) #define RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER #define rwlock_t pthread_mutex_t

/* printk stuff */ #define printk printf #define KERN_WARNING #define KERN_INFO #define KERN_ERR #define KERN_DEBUG

#else #include <linux/types.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/slab.h> #include <linux/errno.h> #include <asm/page.h> #include <asm/io.h> #include <linux/mm.h> #include <linux/wrapper.h> #endif

void bfree(void*, unsigned long); void* bmalloc(unsigned long);


int reserve; static unsigned long reserve_start;

MODULE_PARM(reserve, "i");

struct reserve_list { unsigned long mem; unsigned long size; struct reserve_list *next; };

struct reserve_list *used_list=NULL;

static rwlock_t alloc_ops=RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;

#ifdef __KERNEL__ int init_module(void) { unsigned long adr; unsigned long size; #else int init_module(int x) { unsigned long adr; unsigned long size;

reserve=x; #endif if (!reserve) { printk(KERN_ERR "memreserve: Supply a positive reserve param\n"); return -EINVAL; } size=reserve*PAGE_SIZE; reserve_start = (unsigned long)__get_free_pages(GFP_USER|GFP_DMA,get_order(size)); if (reserve_start) { adr = reserve_start; while (size > 0) { mem_map_reserve(virt_to_page(phys_to_virt(adr))); adr += PAGE_SIZE; size -= PAGE_SIZE; } } else { printk(KERN_ERR "memreserve: Cannot allocate contiguous memory of %lu bytes\n", size); return -EINVAL; } printk(KERN_INFO "memreserve: Allocated contiguous memory of %lu bytes\n", reserve*PAGE_SIZE); return 0; }

void cleanup_module(void) { unsigned long adr; unsigned long size; if(used_list != NULL) { printk(KERN_ERR "memreserve: Memory leak somewhere -- more than zero member in the used list\n"); printk(KERN_ERR "memreserve: Check your usage count\n"); printk(KERN_ERR "memreserve: Will not free memory\n"); return; } if (reserve_start) { adr = reserve_start; size = reserve * PAGE_SIZE; while (size > 0) { mem_map_unreserve(virt_to_page(phys_to_virt(adr))); adr += PAGE_SIZE; size -= PAGE_SIZE; } free_pages(reserve_start,get_order(reserve * PAGE_SIZE)); } }

void* bmalloc(unsigned long req_size) { /*we need a lock here against simultaneous entry*/

struct reserve_list *list, *newmember, *prevmember; unsigned long prevaddr, size; write_lock(&alloc_ops); size=PAGE_ALIGN(req_size); prevaddr=reserve_start; prevmember=NULL; printk(KERN_DEBUG "memreserve: Rounded requested size %lu (0x%08lx) to 0x%08lx (%lu pages)\n", req_size, req_size,size, size/PAGE_SIZE); for(list=used_list; list != NULL; list=list->next) { if( (list->mem - prevaddr) >= size) { newmember=(struct reserve_list *)kmalloc(sizeof(struct reserve_list), GFP_USER); if (!newmember) { printk(KERN_ERR "memreserve: Out of memory\n"); write_unlock(&alloc_ops); return NULL; } newmember->next=list; newmember->mem=prevaddr; newmember->size=size; if(prevmember != NULL) prevmember->next=newmember; else used_list=newmember; MOD_INC_USE_COUNT; write_unlock(&alloc_ops); return (void *)prevaddr; /* we got our address */ } prevmember=list; prevaddr=list->mem+list->size; }

/* list is NULL here; this code both works for both first and the last list member */ if(size <= reserve_start + (PAGE_SIZE * reserve) - prevaddr) { newmember=(struct reserve_list *)kmalloc(sizeof(struct reserve_list), GFP_USER); if (!newmember) { printk(KERN_ERR "memreserve: Out of memory\n"); write_unlock(&alloc_ops); return NULL; } newmember->mem=prevaddr; newmember->size=size; if(prevmember == NULL) /* this is the first member */ used_list=newmember; else /* this is the last member */ prevmember->next=newmember; newmember->next=NULL; MOD_INC_USE_COUNT; write_unlock(&alloc_ops); return (void *)prevaddr; /* we got our address */ } else printk(KERN_WARNING "memreserve: Could not find big enough region in the free list\n"); write_unlock(&alloc_ops); return NULL; }

void bfree(void *mem, unsigned long req_size) { /*we need a lock here against simultaneous entry*/ struct reserve_list *list, *prevaddr; unsigned long size; write_lock(&alloc_ops); size=PAGE_ALIGN(req_size); prevaddr=NULL; for(list=used_list; list != NULL; list=list->next) { if(list->mem == (unsigned long)mem && list->size == size) { if(prevaddr == NULL) used_list=list->next; else prevaddr->next=list->next; kfree(list); MOD_DEC_USE_COUNT; write_unlock(&alloc_ops); return; } prevaddr=list; } printk(KERN_WARNING "memreserve: Someone requested illegal deallocation\n"); write_unlock(&alloc_ops); }

void print_used_list(void) { /*we need a lock here against simultaneous entry*/ struct reserve_list *list; write_lock(&alloc_ops); printk(KERN_INFO "Reserve start is 0x%08lx, reserve size is 0x%08lx\n", reserve_start, reserve*PAGE_SIZE); for(list=used_list; list != NULL; list=list->next) { printk(KERN_INFO "memreserve: Address is 0x%08lx (%lu pages), size is 0x%08lx (%lu pages)\n", list->mem, list->mem/PAGE_SIZE, list->size, list->size/PAGE_SIZE); } write_unlock(&alloc_ops); }

#ifndef __KERNEL__ int main() { int n=0; int i=0; int k; struct reserve_list *list; unsigned long choose_size(unsigned long); int choose_index(int); int choose_bool(void);

#define MAX_ALLOC 100 if(init_module(MAX_ALLOC) != 0) { printf("Could not get memory\n"); exit(1); } while(n>=0) { if(n<=3) { if (bmalloc(choose_size(MAX_ALLOC)/10) != NULL) n++; } else { if(choose_bool() == 0) { if (bmalloc(choose_size(MAX_ALLOC)/10) != NULL) n++; } else { i=choose_index(n); list=used_list; for(k=0;k<(i-1);k++) list=list->next; printf("Free index %d\n", i); bfree((void *)list->mem, list->size); n--; } } print_used_list(); getchar(); } cleanup_module(); return 0; }

unsigned long choose_size(unsigned long MAX_SIZE) { double pos; pos=((double)MAX_SIZE*(double)PAGE_SIZE*(double)random())/(double)(RAND_MAX+1.0); return 1+(unsigned long) pos; }

int choose_index(int MAX_INDEX) { double pos; pos=((double)MAX_INDEX*(double)random())/(double)(RAND_MAX+1.0); return 1+(int) pos; }

int choose_bool(void) { long pos; pos=random(); if(pos <= (RAND_MAX/2)) return 0; else return 1; } #endif

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