Re: Yet another linux filesytem: with version control

From: Jerome de Vivie (
Date: Mon Jul 23 2001 - 17:27:22 EST

Larry McVoy a écrit :
> On Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 12:00:53AM +0200, Jerome de Vivie wrote:
> > I absolutely don't know how much work it is. Will you work again on this
> > topic ?
> Err, I've got a young but healthy company that is already doing it. I'm
> happy to offer what advice I can to help you but I can't really commit
> substantial resources towards this. I make my living off of my company
> and that has to come first. That said, it's an interesting area and it's
> nice to see others take an interest, so I'll help a little...

Ok, thanks !

> > To work on a file, we just break and copy the link. But, i don't see how
> > to work with 2 versions of the same file with hard link.
> You don't want to do so. You save little by doing so. Please tell me you
> weren't going to version control at the block level, therein lies the path
> to insanity. Getting it right at the file boundary is hard enough.

Yes, it was block level version control but it feets our needs ( I have
scattered files across directories when there were no dependencies).


Jerome de Vivie 	jerome . de - vivie @ wanadoo . fr
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