meaning of vmalloc shortcut comment in fault.c

From: Bjorn Wesen (
Date: Tue Jun 05 2001 - 07:56:06 EST

Can someone elaborate on why it's bad to refer to tsk directly below (this
is a 2.4.5 change in x86) and why it's needed on x86 and not other archs..

What should I do for an arch that does not have a "cr3" machine register
to check with ?


                 * Synchronize this task's top level page-table
                 * with the 'reference' page table.
                 * Do _not_ use "tsk" here. We might be inside
                 * an interrupt in the middle of a task switch..
                int offset = __pgd_offset(address);
                pgd_t *pgd, *pgd_k;
                pmd_t *pmd, *pmd_k;
                pte_t *pte_k;

                asm("movl %%cr3,%0":"=r" (pgd));
                pgd = offset + (pgd_t *)__va(pgd);

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