Re: XMM: monitor Linux MM inactive/active lists graphically

From: Mark Hahn (
Date: Sun Jun 03 2001 - 17:56:27 EST

> XMM is heavily modified XMEM utility that shows graphically size of
> different Linux page lists: active, inactive_dirty, inactive_clean,
> code, free and swap usage. It is better suited for the monitoring of
> Linux 2.4 MM implementation than original (XMEM) utility.
> Find it here: <URL:>

interesting. I prefer to collect data separately from viewing it,
and use the following simple perl script to do so; obviously,
it generates a bunch of separate files, one for each metric,
suitable for traditional filtering, gnuplot, etc.

use IO::Handle;

require 'sys/';
sub gettimeofday {
    $timeval = pack("LL", ());
    syscall( &SYS_gettimeofday, $timeval, 0) != -1
        or die "gettimeofday: $!";
    ($sec,$usec) = unpack("LL", $timeval);
    return $sec + 1e-6 * $usec;

open(S,"</proc/stat") || die("failed to open /proc/stat");
open(M,"</proc/meminfo") || die("failed to open /proc/meminfo");
open(B,"</proc/slabinfo") || die("failed to open /proc/slabinfo");

open(PI,">"); PI->autoflush(1);
open(PO,">"); PO->autoflush(1);
open(SI,">"); SI->autoflush(1);
open(SO,">"); SO->autoflush(1);
open(CX,">"); CX->autoflush(1);
open(MF,">"); MF->autoflush(1);
open(BF,">"); BF->autoflush(1);
open(AC,">"); AC->autoflush(1);
open(ID,">"); ID->autoflush(1);
open(IC,">"); IC->autoflush(1);
open(IT,">"); IT->autoflush(1);
open(SW,">"); SW->autoflush(1);
open(BH,">"); BH->autoflush(1);
open(IN,">"); IN->autoflush(1);
open(DE,">"); DE->autoflush(1);

$c = 0;
$first = gettimeofday();
while (1) {
      $now = gettimeofday() - $first;

      while (<S>) {
          if (/^page\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/) {
              if ($c) { print PI "$now ",4*($1 - $pi),"\n"; }
              if ($c) { print PO "$now ",4*($2 - $po),"\n"; }
              $pi = $1;
              $po = $2;
          if (/^swap\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/) {
              if ($c) { print SI "$now ",4*($1 - $si),"\n"; }
              if ($c) { print SO "$now ",4*($2 - $so),"\n"; }
              $si = $1;
              $so = $2;
          if (/^ctxt\s+(\d+)$/) {
              if ($c) { print CX "$now ",$1 - $cx,"\n"; }
              $cx = $1;
      while (<M>) {
          if (/^MemFree:\s+(\d+) kB$/) { print MF "$now ",$1,"\n"; next; }
          if (/^Buffers:\s+(\d+) kB$/) { print BF "$now ",$1,"\n"; next; }
          if (/^Active:\s+(\d+) kB$/) { print AC "$now ",$1,"\n"; next; }
          if (/^Inact_dirty:\s+(\d+) kB$/) { print ID "$now ",$1,"\n"; next; }
          if (/^Inact_clean:\s+(\d+) kB$/) { print IC "$now ",$1,"\n"; next; }
          if (/^Inact_target:\s+(\d+) kB$/) { print IT "$now ",$1,"\n"; next; }
          if (/^Inact_target:\s+(\d+) kB$/) { print IT "$now ",$1,"\n"; next; }
          if (/^Swap:\s+\d+\s+(\d+)/) { print SW "$now ",$1,"\n"; next; }
      while (<B>) {
          if (/^buffer_head\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/) { print BH "$now ",$1*$3/1024,"\n"; next; }
          if (/^inode_cache\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/) { print IN "$now ",$1*$3/1024,"\n"; next; }
          if (/^dentry_cache\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/) {print DE "$now ",$1*$3/1024,"\n"; next; }

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