Re: [PATCH] Single user linux

From: Mike A. Harris (
Date: Wed Apr 25 2001 - 02:13:45 EST

On Tue, 24 Apr 2001, Jonathan Lundell wrote:

>Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 17:26:29 -0700
>From: Jonathan Lundell <>
>To: Aaron Lehmann <>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>Subject: Re: [PATCH] Single user linux
>At 5:01 PM -0700 2001-04-24, Aaron Lehmann wrote:
>>On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 11:38:01PM +1000, Daniel Stone wrote:
>>> And UNIX on a phone is pure overkill.
>>Quit being a naysayer. UNIX on a PDA is a wet dream.
> (not that the reviews have been very kind)

Nor has an official product been released. Reviewing hardware
and software in open development model before it is officially
stamped "final release" is unfair to say the least. I follow the
agenda list and it is a nice piece of hardware and the software
is coming along quite nicely. I've heard mostly good stuff about
it so far, although it is not a consumer level product yet - it
is a developers product, for people ready to fire up emacs and
start coding.

    Mike A. Harris - Linux advocate - Free Software advocate
          This message is copyright 2001, all rights reserved.
  Views expressed are my own, not necessarily shared by my employer.
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