Re: Oops from gpm.c

From: Tim Wright (
Date: Wed Mar 28 2001 - 14:12:34 EST

On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 08:01:15AM -0500, wrote:
> I am having oops reported from my slackware-current install with the 2.4.3-pre7 kernel I can't seem to find the actual oops txt in any of my logs.
> So, here's what I have.
> >From my logs:
> gpm [122]: Oops() invoked from gpm.c [962]
> gpm [122]: /dev/mouse: no such file or directory
> I have devfs enabled and my mouse is USB (IMPS/2) so I didn't actually have a /dev/mouse.
> the rc.gpm incorrectly pointed gpm to /dev/mouse. When I fixed it, the oops went away.
> If anyone can tell me where the default slackware puts oops info, I'll gladly put it here.

It's not a kernel oops. The author of gpm decided to use the term 'oops' in
their userland code. Personally, I think that's unwise. You don't have a
kernel problem.


Tim Wright - or or
IBM Linux Technology Center, Beaverton, Oregon
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