Re: 2GB file limit ftp/scp Linux kernel 2.4.2 problem

From: Jesse Pollard (
Date: Wed Mar 28 2001 - 09:06:40 EST

> [1.] One line summary of the problem:
> ftp FROM 2.4.2 ix86 machine to system with true 64-bit or otherwise no 2GB limit
> system complains that the file size is too large.
> [2.] Full description of the problem/report:
> On the 2.4.2 ix86 machine doing put:
> -------------------------------------
> UNIX Archive FTP server (UCFM Version (2.3)) active. Checking UniTree.conf
> 220 UNIX Archive FTP server ready.
> 334 Using authentication type GSSAPI; ADAT must follow
> GSSAPI accepted as authentication type
> GSSAPI authentication succeeded
> Name ( jmckinne
> 232 Kerberos user jmckinne@NCSA.EDU is authorized as jmckinne
> 230 User jmckinne logged in.
> Remote system type is UNIX.
> Using binary mode to transfer files.
> ftp> put tro240longpostproc.tgz
> local: tro240longpostproc.tgz remote: tro240longpostproc.tgz
> local: tro240longpostproc.tgz: File too large
> ftp> quit
> 221 Goodbye.

This is using KFTP - which system was it compiled on? It may be linked
with static libraries since this appears to be a runtime library error or
configuration error at compile time...

Does it work (same ftp binary, same hardware) with the older kernel?

> On 64-bit machine doing a get:
> ---------------------
> ftp> get tro240longpostproc.tgz
> local: tro240longpostproc.tgz remote: tro240longpostproc.tgz
> 200 PORT command successful.
> 550 tro240longpostproc.tgz: File too large.

I think this is the same error.
> Same message with scp or normal ftp program(i.e. non-Kerberos version). Any GET
> onto the ix86 2.4.2 kernel system is perfectly fine. Any shell operation on the
> >2GB file(upto 22GB at least) works fine. Some programs(like midnight commander) don't like >2GB files, but that's normal.
> NCSA uses 2.2.16 with a patch to break the 2GB limit and it works fine according
> to NCSA. I can PUT the large file using an Alpha 21264 system using an older
> kernel just fine to the same system I tried uploading to using the ix86 2.4.2
> system.

Not a good test - this only verifys that the system used has large file support
compiled into (assuming static) ftp. This should work on the same system with
the current kernel.

Jesse I Pollard, II

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