RE: Is swap == 2 * RAM a permanent thing?

From: William T Wilson (
Date: Thu Mar 15 2001 - 14:22:44 EST

On Thu, 15 Mar 2001, Torrey Hoffman wrote:

> IIRC, when this discussion of swap size first came up, the general
> conclusion was NOT that you should have swap = 2 * RAM, but that you
> should have swap(2.4.x) = 2 * swap(2.2.x), that is, twice as much swap
> as you did under 2.2.x.

it seems to me that in 2.2.x it looks like this:

total usage == swap + RAM
under 2.4.x it looks like:
total usage == swap

> So if you never swapped at all under 2.2.x, you should not need any
> swap space in 2.4.x either.


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