Re: Unmounting and ejecting the root fs on shutdown.

From: Mr. James W. Laferriere (
Date: Wed Feb 28 2001 - 10:56:41 EST

        Hello James , Yup that works alright . But the difficulty
        Per & I were talking about is after the system (such as
        slackware's live-fs) is -shutdown- the CD drive bay is still
        locked , One has to hard-reset (or even power off for some)
        before the bay will open . I am well aware why the bay does
        not open while the live-fs has it mounted . But am quite
        baffled as to why the darn thing remains locked after system
        shutdown . Again I am quite sure I know why that is happening
        as well . The live-fs is hard read-only and the umount of the
        live-fs can not complete , so the CD drive never receives an
        unlock . Sound about right ? Twyl , JimL

On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, James A. Sutherland wrote:

> On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, Mr. James W. Laferriere wrote:
> >
> > Hello Per , Has anyone gotten back to you on this subject ?
> > I as well am very interested in any information about releiving
> > this difficulty . Tia , JimL
> Such a CD would be very nice; one or two people do have this already,
> though. Have you tried using a ramdisk for root, and mounting the CD as
> /usr?
> James.

       | James W. Laferriere | System Techniques | Give me VMS |
       | Network Engineer | 25416 22nd So | Give me Linux |
       | | DesMoines WA 98198 | only on AXP |

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