Re: QUESTION: Network hangs with BP6 and 2.4.x kernels, hardware related?

From: Frank de Lange (
Date: Thu Jan 11 2001 - 14:49:22 EST

Another observation wrt. behaviour with 'noapic'...

When streaming time-critical data over the network (running esound to another
server, etc), sometimes there are hiccups in the stream. These hiccups seem to
be much less frequent, if at all present, when running with 'noapic'. I'm
currently running sound over a heavily loaded ethernet, no hiccups at all...
Weird, since the apic ought to spread the load of handling the interrupts over
all available CPU's.

Whatever is causing this, there seems to be something fishy in the way
interrupts are handled when the apic(s) is/are enabled...


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 ## o o\    /     Frank de Lange     \
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  ##---# _/     <Hacker for Hire>      \
   ####   \      +31-320-252965        /
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