2.4.0 serial.c PCI_CONFIG v. 2.2.18 serial.c w/o PCI_CONFIG

From: Mike Lieman (os-support@barryscott.com)
Date: Wed Jan 10 2001 - 12:02:34 EST

Just noticed something weird when I tried to minicom into the office to run
a job yesterday morning.

It seems that 2.2.18 (without the PCI_CONFIG in serial.c) works fine, with
respect to flow control in minicom, everything looks great. (and the dmesg
shows the serial ports without any extra flags. PLAIN VANILLA!), but under
2.4.0, all the extended stuff is turned on by PCI_CONFIG, and characters
are being dropped!

Anyone else experiencing this?


Mike Lieman -- CIO mikelieman@barryscott.com
The Barry Scott Companies (518) 452-8560 ext. 114

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