Hi Alan,
could you please consider this patch for inclusion in your tree?
This is a patch against 2.4.0. It introduces a new bug reporting script
(scripts/bugreport.pl) that tries to simplify bug reporting for users. I
have also added a small hint to this script to REPORTING-BUGS.
To all: Please have a look at the script and give me your feedback so that
I can fix the errors and improve the script.
Kind regards,
diff -urN linux-2.4.0-vanilla/REPORTING-BUGS linux-2.4.0-mod/REPORTING-BUGS
--- linux-2.4.0-vanilla/REPORTING-BUGS Mon Aug 21 17:57:35 2000
+++ linux-2.4.0-mod/REPORTING-BUGS Sun Jan 7 08:20:21 2001
@@ -25,7 +25,16 @@
overlook things, and easier for the developers to find the pieces of
information they're really interested in. Don't feel you have to follow it.
- First run the ver_linux script included as scripts/ver_linux or
+There are two possibilities:
+ a) use the new problem reporting script
+ b) collect the information and write the report by hand
+a) The problem reporting script resides under scripts/bugreport.pl
+Use it like this: "perl bugreport.pl filename", where filename is where the
+report is written to. This results (hopefully) in a usable problem report that
+you can add additional info to.
+b) First run the ver_linux script included as scripts/ver_linux or
at <URL:ftp://ftp.sai.msu.su/pub/Linux/ver_linux> It checks out
the version of some important subsystems. Run it with the command
"sh scripts/ver_linux"
diff -urN linux-2.4.0-vanilla/scripts/bugreport.pl linux-2.4.0-mod/scripts/bugreport.pl
--- linux-2.4.0-vanilla/scripts/bugreport.pl Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
+++ linux-2.4.0-mod/scripts/bugreport.pl Sun Jan 7 08:23:13 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# bugreport.pl
+# created by Matthias Juchem <matthias@brightice.de> Januar 2001
+# collects system information and tries to help with generating bug
+# reports for linux-kernel
+# - prompts for general information about the problem
+# - acquires system information from various programs and from /proc
+# - runs the oops through ksymoops
+# For notes view bottom of file
+use strict;
+use FileHandle;
+use IPC::Open2;
+##################### variables ##############################################
+# bug report
+my $summary; my $description; my $keywords;
+my $oops; my $other_notes; my $example;
+# program versions
+my $v_kernel; my $v_gcc; my $v_modules;
+my $v_make; my $v_binutils; my $v_libc5;
+my $v_libc6; my $v_libcpp; my $v_ldd;
+my $v_procps; my $v_procinfo; my $v_psmisc;
+my $v_mount; my $v_nettools; my $v_pppd;
+my $v_kbd; my $v_shutils; my $v_utillinux;
+my $v_e2fsprogs; my $v_bash;
+# other sys info
+my $loaded_modules; my $cpuinfo; my $iomem;
+my $ioports; my $scsi; my $pci;
+##################### forward declarations ###################################
+sub init(); # get system info to initialize variables with
+sub enter_report(); # gather information about bug
+sub print_report($); # parameter: filename for output
+sub getline($$); # read a line from STDIN, params: prompt, default value
+sub gettext($); # read multiple lines from STDIN, param: prompt
+sub readfile($); # returna content of file one line, param: filename
+sub exists_prog($); # returns full path of programm or empty string
+##################### main ###################################################
+ print "\nbugreport.pl - Linux Kernel Problem Report Generator v0.1\n";
+ print "=========================================================\n";
+ print " written by Matthias Juchem <matthias\@brightice.de>\n\n";
+ # check euid
+ if ( $> != 0 ) {
+ print "\nThis script should be run as root.\n\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ # check output filename
+ my $filename;
+ if ( not ( $filename = shift )) {
+ print "\nPlease specify a file for output.\n\n";
+ exit 2;
+ }
+ init();
+ enter_report();
+ print_report($filename);
+ print <<"EOF";
+Please spend a few minutes on reading the generated problem report, check the
+version string that look strange and include further information as you like.
+If you think the report is good, send it to the maintainer (see MAINTAINERS)
+of the corresponding subsystem and a copy to <linux-kernel\@vger.kernel.org>.
+Any bug reports and comments _for_this_script_ go to <matthias\@brightice.de>.
+Thank you.
+##################### subroutines ############################################
+sub print_report($) {
+ my $fn = shift;
+ print( "\nPlease wait while the report is being generated and written to",
+ " the specified\nfile (",$fn,")...\n" );
+ # run the oops through ksymoops
+ if ( exists_prog("ksymoops") ) {
+ #open2( \*READER, \*WRITER, "ksymoops -V -k /proc/ksyms -l /proc/modules -o /lib/modules/2.4.0/ -m /usr/src/linux/System.map" );
+ open2( \*READER, \*WRITER, "ksymoops" );
+ WRITER->autoflush();
+ my @output;
+ print WRITER $oops;
+ close WRITER;
+ @output = <READER>;
+ close READER;
+ $oops = join ' ', @output;
+ } else {
+ $oops = "ksymoops not found";
+ }
+ open OUTPUT, ">$fn";
+ print OUTPUT <<"EOF";
+Linux Kernel Problem Report
+1. One line summary of the problem
+2. Full description of the problem
+3. Keywords
+4. Kernel version
+5. Oops message with symbolic info
+6. Example that triggers the problem
+7. System information
+a) software
+ GNU C $v_gcc
+ Modutils $v_modules
+ GNU make $v_make
+ Binutils $v_binutils
+ Linux libc5 C Library $v_libc5
+ Linux libc6 C Library $v_libc6
+ Dynamic linker $v_ldd
+ Linux C++ library $v_libcpp
+ Procps $v_procps
+ Procinfo $v_procinfo
+ Psmisc $v_psmisc
+ Net-tools $v_nettools
+ PPP $v_pppd
+ Kdb $v_kbd
+ Sh-utils $v_shutils
+ Util-linux $v_utillinux
+ E2fsprogs $v_e2fsprogs
+ Bash $v_bash
+b) loaded modules
+c) /proc/cpuinfo
+d) /proc/ioports
+e) /proc/iomem
+f) PCI information
+g) SCSI information
+h) further information (from /proc and other)
+8. Other notes, patches, fixes, workarounds...
+ print " ...ok, done.\n\n\n";
+ close OUTPUT;
+sub init() {
+ # gcc
+ if (exists_prog("gcc")) {
+ ( $v_gcc = `gcc --version` ) =~ s/\n+$//;
+ } else {
+ $v_gcc = "not found";
+ }
+ # modules
+ if (exists_prog("insmod")) {
+ ( $v_modules = `insmod -V 2>&1` ) =~ m/insmod version (\S+)/;
+ $v_modules = $1;
+ } else {
+ $v_modules = "not found";
+ }
+ # make
+ if (exists_prog("make")) {
+ ( $v_make = `make --version` ) =~ m/GNU Make version (\S+),/;
+ $v_make = $1;
+ } else {
+ $v_make = "not found";
+ }
+ # binutils
+ if (exists_prog("ld")) {
+ ( $v_binutils = `ld -v` ) =~ m/\(with BFD (\S+)\)/;
+ $v_binutils = $1;
+ } else {
+ $v_binutils = "not found";
+ }
+ # c library 5
+ if ( -e "/lib/libc.so.5" ) {
+ ( $v_libc5 = `/lib/libc.so.5`) =~ m/GNU C Library .+ version (\S+),/;
+ $v_libc5 = $1;
+ } else {
+ $v_libc5 = "not found";
+ }
+ # c library 6
+ if ( -e "/lib/libc.so.6" ) {
+ ( $v_libc6 = `/lib/libc.so.6`) =~ m/GNU C Library .+ version (\S+),/;
+ $v_libc6 = $1;
+ } else {
+ $v_libc6 = "not found";
+ }
+ # ldd
+ if (exists_prog("ldd")) {
+ ( $v_ldd = `ldd --version` ) =~ m/ldd \(GNU libc\) (\S+)/;
+ $v_ldd = $1;
+ } else {
+ $v_ldd = "not found";
+ }
+ # c++ library
+ ( $v_libcpp = `ls /usr/lib/libg++.so.*` ) =~ m/.so.(\S+)\n/;
+ $v_libcpp = $1;
+ # procps
+ if (exists_prog("ps")) {
+ ( $v_procps = `ps --version` ) =~ m/version (\S+)\n/;
+ $v_procps = $1;
+ } else {
+ $v_procps = "not found";
+ }
+ # procinfo
+ if ( exists_prog("procinfo") ) {
+ ( $v_procinfo = `procinfo -v` ) =~ m/version (\S+) /;
+ $v_procinfo = $1;
+ } else {
+ $v_procinfo = "not found";
+ }
+ # psmisc
+ if (exists_prog("pstree")) {
+ ( $v_psmisc = `pstree -V 2>&1` ) =~ m/version (\S+)\n/;
+ $v_psmisc = $1;
+ } else {
+ $v_psmisc = "not found";
+ }
+ # util-linux
+ ( $v_utillinux = `mount --version` ) =~ m/mount-(\S+)\n/;
+ $v_utillinux = $1;
+ # nettools
+ ( $v_nettools = `hostname -V 2>&1` ) =~ m/tools (\S+)\n/;
+ $v_nettools = $1;
+ # pppd
+ ( $v_pppd = `pppd -V 2>&1`) =~ m/pppd version (\S+)\n/;
+ $v_pppd = $1;
+ # kbd
+ ( $v_kbd = `loadkeys -h 2>&1`) =~ m/loadkeys version (\S+)\n/;
+ $v_kbd = $1;
+ # shutils
+ ( $v_shutils = `expr --v 2>&1`) =~ m/\(GNU sh-utils\) (\S+)\n/;
+ $v_shutils = $1;
+ # e2fsprogs
+ ( $v_e2fsprogs = `tune2fs 2>&1`) =~ m/tune2fs (\S+),/;
+ $v_e2fsprogs = $1;
+ # bash
+ ( $v_bash = `bash --version`) =~ m/GNU bash, version (\S+) /;
+ $v_bash = $1;
+ # loaded modules
+ ( $loaded_modules = readfile( "/proc/modules") ) =~ s/ .*$|\n$//mg;
+ $loaded_modules =~ s/\n/ /g;
+ # pci info
+ if ( exists_prog("lspci") ) {
+ chomp ( $pci = join '', `lspci -vvv` );
+ } else {
+ $pci = "not found";
+ }
+ # /proc: cpuinfo, iomem, ioports, version, scsi
+ $cpuinfo = readfile("/proc/cpuinfo");
+ $iomem = readfile("/proc/iomem");
+ $ioports = readfile("/proc/ioports");
+ $v_kernel= readfile("/proc/version");
+ $scsi = readfile("/proc/scsi/scsi");
+sub enter_report() {
+ $summary = getline( "One line summary of the problem", "" );
+ $description = gettext( "Full description of the problem" );
+ $keywords = getline( "Keywords", "modules, vm" );
+ $oops = gettext( "Oops message" );
+ $example = gettext( "Example that triggers the problem" );
+ $other_notes = gettext( "Other notes, patches, fixes, ..." );
+sub getline($$) {
+ my $prompt =shift;
+ my $default=shift;
+ my $result ='';
+ while ( $result eq "" ) {
+ print $prompt, " [$default]: ";
+ $result = <STDIN>;
+ chomp $result;
+ if ($result eq "" ) {
+ $result = $default;
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub gettext($) {
+ my $prompt =shift;
+ my $result ='';
+ print "\n";
+ while ( $result eq "" ) {
+ print $prompt, " (use EOF after last line): \n";
+ while (<STDIN>) {
+ m/^EOF$/ and last;
+ $result = $result.$_
+ }
+ chomp $result;
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub readfile($) {
+ my $fname = shift;
+ my $result = '';
+ if ( -f $fname ) {
+ open FH, "<$fname" or die "unable to open $fname";
+ while (<FH>) {
+ $result = $result.$_;
+ }
+ close FH;
+ chomp $result;
+ } else {
+ $result = "not found";
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub exists_prog($) {
+ my $prog = shift;
+ my $found = 0;
+ my $result= '';
+ foreach my $dir (split /:/, $ENV{'PATH'} ) {
+ $found and last;
+ $result = $dir.'/'.$prog;
+ ( -e $result ) and $found = 1;
+ }
+ $found or $result = '';
+ return $result;
+-This script needs testing. I have tested it on SuSE 7.0 (updated to 2.4.0)
+ and on Mandrake 6.1, so there might be small problems with other
+ distributions.
+-The script assumes that all called programs are in the path. If a program is
+ not found, 'not found' is printed in the problem report.
+-ksymoops uses the default parameters. If the kernel and the modules are
+ installed or compiled in different locations, there certainly are problems
+ with ksymoops. This is going to be fixed.
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