New possibilities for HPT370 RAID support?

From: Raymond Carney (
Date: Wed Dec 27 2000 - 13:28:29 EST

I've read everything that I can find regarding support of the Highpoint
controllers RAID functionality under Linux, and I understand what the issues
have been. The one promising bit of information that I dug up in this process is
that the 'pseudo' RAID functionality of the Highpoint and Promise IDE RAID
controllers is now supported in FreeBSD (4.2-RELEASE and 5.0-CURRENT). My
question is, can the new BSD code be leveraged to add support for these
controllers to the Linux kernel, and could we reasonably expect to see such
support in the near future?

Please CC: me directly on any replies, and Thanks very much in advance.

/***   ________________________________________________________________   ***\
 Raymond Carney       <> Discovery consists of seeing what everybody     <> has seen and thinking what nobody has thought. 
 860.774.1939         <>                     - Albert Von Szent-Gyorgyi 
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