Re: Linux 2.4 Status / TODO page (Updated as of 2.4.0-test10)

From: Bill Wendling (
Date: Fri Nov 03 2000 - 17:01:08 EST

Also sprach
} > de4x5 is probably also buggy in regard to this.
} de4x5 is hopeless. I added nice comment in softnet to it.
} Unfortunately it was lost. 8)
} Andi, neither you nor me nor Alan nor anyone are able to audit
} all this unnevessarily overcomplicated code. It was buggy, is buggy
} and will be buggy. It is inavoidable, as soon as you have hundreds
} of drivers.
If they are buggy and unsupported, why aren't they being expunged from
the main source tree and placed into a ``contrib'' directory or something
for people who may want those drivers?

|| Bill Wendling
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