Re: Tux 2 patents

From: Daniel Phillips (
Date: Sun Oct 08 2000 - 22:21:19 EST

"Albert D. Cahalan" wrote:
> > The main goal is to encourage NetApp management to do the right thing.
> They are required to run the business in a profit seeking manner.
> I think they can even go to jail... so "do the right thing" is not
> an option for them.

Rubbish. By this argument, the management of every corporation that
ever made a donation is going straight to jail. Acting ethically is
allowed in corporations, as in other walks of like. There is an
'ethical growth fund' in Canada that limits its investments to companies
known for 'doing the right thing'. Guess what? It outperforms the

> You can trade patent licenses for other patent licenses.
> You can trade a patent license for code or secrets.

You can trade a patent for goodwill. Goodwill is real. What is
goodwill? When you sell a corporation 'good will' is the difference
between the value of its hard assets and the price you got for it.

> Say, would Tux2 be useful on a DVD-RAM? Gee, can you think of
> any other patent-holders and secret-holders that might have a
> use for Tux2? Apple has some influence over video patents
> used in QuickTime.

*** ponder

Tux2, or more specifically, the phase tree algorithm is useful for any
non-volatile read-write storage medium, since it gives no window of
vulnerability to crashes. It is particularly good for slow, large media
that are not friendly to journals. It is even better for flash memory
where you don't have to worry about seek time. It is useful in any
application where you need to support 'instant off' while leaving
nonvolatile memory in a known, consistent state.

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