Re: NTFS-like streams?

From: Alexander Viro (
Date: Sun Aug 13 2000 - 22:29:48 EST

On Sun, 13 Aug 2000, Jeff V. Merkey wrote:

> Just remember, the real advantage NTFS in Windows 2000 garners from
> these things is you can have an attribute with the same name attached to
> each file. i.e. each file could have and ARCHIVE_DATA attribute
> accessed as
> filename:ARCHIVE_DATA so a program can findnext all the files in a
> directory and look for a specific piece of data it may have previously
> associated with a file, so the naming system needs to be able to handle
> instances of the same name across many files.

Sigh... And then somebody sets "fascist" (read: reasonable) permissions
and that program breaks. Right?

Come on, guys, it's a feature from the Lisp Machines land. Single-user
environment. Yep, having P-list stored with the object is handy, but it
has _nothing_ to the things usually considered as filesystems. And it
certainly doesn't work with multi-user systems. Linux is not Genera.

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