Re: NTFS-like streams?

From: Michael Rothwell (
Date: Sun Aug 13 2000 - 19:31:27 EST

"Theodore Y. Ts'o" wrote:

> For example, suppose you have an EA:
> Creator=tytso
> Now suppose you do the following:
> fd = open("~/Myfile/Creator")
> write(fd, "acox", 4);
> close(fd)
> What does the EA contain now? Is it:
> Creator=acoxo
> or is it
> Creator=acox

NT Services for Macintosh actually implements
all resource-fork data in one stream, and provides
structured storage (prob. just a hash table, but I
don't really know) to do it in. It doesn't map
each EA to a separate stream. But, we'll play
your game for a moment. The correct answer is
B, "acox". It doesn't make sense to do anything
but wipe out what is there and replace it when
doing EAs on top of named streams, with a 1:1 EA:NS
mapping. Leaving what is there and overwriting part of
it isn't how EAs work, and isn't how EAs on NSes have
to work.



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