USB initialisation

From: Russell King (
Date: Sat Aug 12 2000 - 13:08:18 EST


On one of the ARM platforms, we have encountered a problem with the
order of initialisation of USB vs the initial "bus"-type hardware

Since Linus doesn't like new init calls going into init/main.c, the
initialisation of a chip which has PCMCIA and USB hardware incorporated
is placed at the head of the initcall list.

However, the USB drivers (OHCI) are initialised before this time by
an explicit call in init/main.c.

Can we initialise the USB hardware drivers via the initcall method,
or is there some reason why its done the way it is?

Linus, if its not acceptable to change the USB drivers in this way,
would you object to this type of init call going into init/main.c?
  |_____| ------------------------------------------------- ---+---+-
  | | Russell King --- ---
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  | +-+-+ --- -+-
  / | THE developer of ARM Linux |+| /|\
 / | | | --- |
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