Difference in /lib/modules/... structure?

From: Willis Sarka III (wlsarka@ouray.cudenver.edu)
Date: Wed Aug 09 2000 - 16:05:02 EST

Sorry if this is a newbie question or if there is some documentation on
it, please point me in the right direction...

Compiled a 2.4.0-test5 with test6-pre9 patch just fine. Only question is
about the /lib/modules/2.4.0-test6 directory structure. It is different
from the /lib/modules/2.2.16 directory structure. Could anyone point me
to some docs or tell me how I can get my modules to load on boot up (I'm
assuming modprobe or some other mechanism might be having problems
finding the modules?? yes/no/don't know what I'm talking about :-)?
I have just compiled the network device and sound support into the kernel
instead of as a module for right now to get them up an running.

RedHat 6.2 stock install, devfs enabled.

So far the kernel is nice and stable on this Dell Dimension XPS T600r,
good work guys! :-)


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