ioremap return type

From: Abramo Bagnara (
Date: Wed Aug 09 2000 - 03:07:48 EST

Am I wrong if I affirm that changing the prototypes into:

unsigned long ioremap(unsigned long base, long length);
void iounmap(unsigned long);

we would solve (well, not solve, simply we'd show it ;-) a lot of
porting issue?

The value returned from ioremap *is not* something usable with
dereference operator.

Abramo Bagnara             

Opera Unica Via Emilia Interna, 140 Phone: +39.0546.656023 48014 Castel Bolognese (RA) - Italy Fax: +39.0546.656023

ALSA project is sponsored by SuSE Linux

It sounds good!

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