Re: [PATCH] part2 - checking kmalloc, init_etherdev and other fixes

From: Michael Elizabeth Chastain (
Date: Tue Aug 08 2000 - 01:16:23 EST

Lately, I've seen a couple of people write "I've sent this patch to
Linus", where the patch in question hasn't been peer-reviewed and has
bugs in it that show it hasn't been tested enough (or at all).

In my work process, submitting to Linus is a significant event. When I
submit something to Linus, I indicate how I tested it and the names
of other people (if any) who have proof-read or tested it. I would be
embarrassed to say "here's a big patch but I've never run it and I can't
get anyone to test it". If I'm in that position, I don't send the patch.

Linus still discards a lot of my patches, but I never have to go back
and say "please disregard previous patch".

Just my humble opinion,

Michael Elizabeth Chastain
"love without fear"

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