Re: Network Card stops responding while using NFS

From: Andrew Morton (
Date: Fri Jul 21 2000 - 06:45:37 EST

Brandon Anderson wrote:
> I seem to be having a problem with my network card cutting out on me when I'm
> heavily accessing a remote NFS account.


does this also occur with kernel 2.2? If so, could you please try
booting with the `noapic' option.

There is an ongoing trickle of reports concerning APICs simply
forgetting how to generate interrupts. I have several people who can
reproduce it and it has happened to me once in testing.

I discussed this with Donald Becker the other day - he believes that
it's an APIC programming issue but he hasn't looked into it - his
solution is to use kernel 2.2 with `noapic', otherwise boxes die within
a day or so.

We tend to see it most with network cards because

- they generate the most interrupts
- failure to generate an interrupt on a NIC is non-fatal
- many of the n/w drivers are designed to detect and
  report on this situation.

It is not correlated with shared PCI interrupts. When it happens,
rmmod/insmod does not clear the condition.

Several of the people who I've dealt with say it happens with 2.3/2.4
kernels but not with 2.2.

It's elusive and nasty.

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