APM issues in 2.4.0-test1-ac2x and 2.4.0-test2

From: Nils Philippsen (nils@fht-esslingen.de)
Date: Sun Jun 25 2000 - 09:02:24 EST

Hi all,

with those kernels, kapmd eats about 30%/avg. of the CPU:

--- 8< --- top ---
  1:35pm up 47 min, 2 users, load average: 0.29, 0.06, 0.08
103 processes: 102 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states: 0.9% user, 26.3% system, 0.0% nice, 72.6% idle
Mem: 126548K av, 123104K used, 3444K free, 0K shrd, 940K buff
Swap: 132888K av, 8316K used, 124572K free 28988K

    2 root 17 0 0 0 0 SW 0 24.3 0.0 15:12 kapmd
--- 8< ---

I would be interested why it does this, as its purpose is to save power
instead of keeping the CPU busy (at least that's my opinion, whether or not
that counts is another issue).

The system is/has:
- Luckily no laptop :-)
- Gigabyte GA BX6E mainboard
- Intel PII/350
- Adaptec 1542B and Dawicontrol DC2975U (Symbios 875) SCSI controllers
- Riva 128 VGA
- Teles 16.3 ISDN card (Hisax driver)

Another thing is that if I load the ISDN drivers, the system almost
immediately returns out of APM Suspend/Standby modes. This has happened with
2.2.x kernels, too.


 Nils Philippsen / Berliner Straße 39 / D-71229 Leonberg // +49.7152.209647
nils@wombat.dialup.fht-esslingen.de / nils@fht-esslingen.de / nils@redhat.de
   The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be
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