(me too): linux-2.4.0-test2 deadlocks

From: Henrik Størner (henrik@storner.dk)
Date: Sun Jun 25 2000 - 01:54:58 EST

In <395533B6.B05C6DA8@av.com> Christopher Zimmerman <zim@av.com> writes:

> A single bonnie process with a file size of 2GBs deadlocks
>linux-2.4.0-test2. I ran the test on a 8way 3ware raid 0.

For me, it locked up hard at 04:01 this morning - exactly the time
when my nightly cron-jobs start running INN expire, makewhatis,
slocate updates and other disk intensive tasks.

System is a pretty standard Red Hat 6.2 installation, except I
use Reiserfs. Symbios 53c875 SCSI controller with an IBM DDRS-34560
attached; PII/350; 128 MB RAM.

Henrik Storner      | "Crackers thrive on code secrecy. Cockcroaches breed 
<henrik@storner.dk> |  in the dark. It's time to let the sunlight in."
                    |          Eric S. Raymond, re. the Frontpage backdoor

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