linux kernel option bus dependencies - pointers?

From: William Stearns (
Date: Wed Jun 07 2000 - 10:26:49 EST

Good morning, all,
        I'd like to start in identifying what busses a particular kernel
option might show up under - i.e. EEPRO100 could be PCI, but never ISA,
MCA, USB, SBUS, etc., NE2000 could be ISA, PCI... This would allow the
kernel configuration process to completely avoid any devices that could
not possibly be connected to this machine.
        Are any of you aware of any individuals or projects that might
have started to do this in the past? I'd truly appreciate any pointers at
        - Bill

        "You couldn't get a clue during the clue mating season in a field
full of horny clues if you smeared your body with clue musk and did the
clue mating dance."
        -- Edward Flaherty
(Courtesy of Will Collins)
William Stearns ( Mason, Buildkernel, named2hosts,
and ipfwadm2ipchains are at:
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