Bug?: ip_conntrack

From: Xuan Baldauf (technik--lkml@exmail.de)
Date: Mon Jun 05 2000 - 17:56:10 EST

Hello, maybe this bug is already known, but just in case...:

while playing around with ip_conntrack.o of linux2.4.0-test1-ac8, I
noticed following:

> rmmod ip_conntrack

would take about 10 minutes (after masquerading was used). I assumed
that it will never quit, but it did. Looking into the kernel source I
found at net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_conntrack_core.c:947:

void ip_conntrack_cleanup(void)

 ip_ct_selective_cleanup(kill_all, NULL);
 if (atomic_read(&ip_conntrack_count) != 0) {
  goto i_see_dead_people;


 It seems that this loop "i_see_dead_people" is intended, but was it
intended to last so long (10 minutes)? "rmmod" took all the CPU time
(like a process which was under full workload). I assume that this
loop waits for all masquerading entries to be cleared, but is it
intended to do nothing to make the clearing faster (set the timeout to
0 for example)?

Xuân. :o)

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