Re: CML0.2.4 is available

From: Willy Tarreau (willy@novworld.Novecom.Fr)
Date: Sat Jun 03 2000 - 12:36:10 EST

Hi Eric,

after a first test, your config tool seems very cool, and convenient to use.

However, I've noticed a few bugs (some of these remarks may be incorrect
because I only write this mail from memory).

   - when activating APM, the program suddenly exits on an error because there
     are two many parameters on line 370 in IIRC. I've removed
     the trailing ",1" and all worked fine for me.
   - in the sound config, the VIA82c686 driver is inside OSS whereas it's
     outside in 2.4.0test1.
   - it seems as the comments for "linux file system" and
     "legacy unix filesystems" have been inverted. I suppose "lfs" should stand
     for the first one, and "ufs" for the second one.
   - the README can confuse newbies because in your explaination you tell
     about "cmlconfigure" instead of "./".
   - at a moment, by accident, I configured "sparc" instead of "x86" in
     architectures. I immediately got a warning concerning dependancies (eg:
     ISA forbidden). But I couldn't select anything else after this error.
   - while I'm here, I don't remember having seen configuration for ramdisk,
     raid, lvm, loop devices, network block devs, nor advanced routing. Perhaps
     I'm wrong with this because I've tested your tool only once...

anyway, this really is a GREAT tool. I strongly encourage anyone to test it.
I hope this will be part of the official 2.4 kernel.


Willy Tarreau

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