RE: Cryptography in the kernel (was: Re: Linux 2.5 / 2.6 TODO (preliminary))

From: David Weinehall (
Date: Thu Jun 01 2000 - 12:00:49 EST

On Thu, 1 Jun 2000, David Schwartz wrote:

> > Unfortunately, the law being "unjust and evil" (IYHO) doesn't stop it
> > being the law. Breaking it still has unpleasant consequences for the
> > culprit. If you make using Linux illegal in that country, you're just
> > surrendering that chunk of Linux's potential audience/market - for what?
> Suppose Scotland banned the ext2 file system. Would you advocate
> that it be removed from the Linux kernel?
> Or, put another way, should Linux be dumbed down to make it
> legal in the most restrictive possible environment? Or should Linux
> follow it's natural development path?

Well, even if/when the crypto-patches goes into the kernel it'll be dumbed
down, because it won't have those crypto-algorithms that are patented in
the US. Most of the rest of the world has no algorithm-patents but the US

It's a pity Linus lives in the US, imho.

> IMO, it would be the greatest possible victory for totalitarian
> and restrictive regimes if they got to dictate to the entire rest of
> the planet what features everyone else's software would come with.

Indeed. But it isn't much better that democratic states dictates it...

  _ _
 // David Weinehall <> /> Northern lights wander \\
// Project MCA Linux hacker // Dance across the winter sky //
\> </ Full colour fire </

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