Re: Correction: 2.2.15-SMP, eepro100, elusive boot failure

Date: Tue May 23 2000 - 05:47:26 EST

Andrey Savochkin writes:
> gcc- compiled!
> Please, try it.

I did booting test for both egcs1.2 and gcc- compiled kernels.
The kernel is cross-compiled on a debian machine with gcc272.

The booting test result, near 90 times reboot...l

                egcs-kernel 272-kernel
# of boots 49 38
eth0: 0 0
eth1: 9 (18%) 2(5%)
eth2: 5 (10%) 2(5%)
eth3: 1 (2%) 1(3%)
        eth0 has never claimed the message yet.

Compiler may have some influence, but is not a fundamental problem.

All of the "RX" message are output just after "Adding Swap" message.
I imagine, "RX" message is output when the NIC gets a first packet.

In our booting environment, 24 clients machines are continuously
issuing http request even if the testing machine is under rebooting.

If the client requests don't exist, "RX" message appears not just
after boot, but few tens second later.

Computer Systems Laboratory, Fujitsu Labs.

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