[PATCH] 5 year old bug in main.c (initrd). Can this please be fixed?

From: Dave Cinege (dcinege@psychosis.com)
Date: Tue May 23 2000 - 00:01:06 EST

This has been around as long as I can remember and I'm getting sick
of fixing it by hand.

During initrd if root=/dev/ram0, /linuxrc will not be executed.
This is just plain wrong. Exhibit A: Documentation/initrd.txt
If initrd was started /linuxrc is supposed to be executed.
/linuxrc is responcible for setting real_root_dev via /proc.
This is properly checked for AFTER /linuxrc completes.

main.c line ~735
        root_mountflags = real_root_mountflags;
- if (mount_initrd && ROOT_DEV != real_root_dev
                int error;
                int i, pid;

        root_mountflags = real_root_mountflags;
+ if (mount_initrd && MAJOR(ROOT_DEV) == RAMDISK_MAJOR &&
+ MINOR(ROOT_DEV) == 0) {
                int error;
                int i, pid

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