Re: Linux on the TI-89 / 92[+]

From: Kenneth C . Arnold (
Date: Fri May 19 2000 - 17:20:12 EST

('x-unknown' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) (linux-kernel folks: Jon didn't cc his message to the list, but it's
fully quoted here.)

> i saw your postings on the linux kernel development mailing list.. i
> just wanted to pitch in and say that i'm highly interested in this as
> well. many naysayers are quick to jump on the idea, but i think that
> there could definitely be some benefits to such a project. think of the
> "oohs" and "aahs" one would get from showing people a TI 89/92
> calculator running linux. :^)

I'm worried about the actual putting-it-on-the-calculator part. Isn't
there some protection in the form of a public / private key-pair to
allow only TI software or software created with an expensive SDK to be
put on? This is second-hand, so I'm not sure if it's valid, especially
if it's the whole ROM. But if this is a concern, hacking the key, though
possible and probably quite easy considering that the calc probably
can't handle big keys, would (might?) be illegal. Would anyone care to
clear this one up?

> the sad thing is, i'm not a programmer. i can program small programs,
> but nothing large or cool enough to get this type of thing working. i
> do own a TI-89 though (used to own a 92 as well), and have contemplated
> linux running on it for quite some time. it would definitely need to be
> a variant of uCLinux. we would also need to get a small set of
> utilities made so that the system could have at least minimal functional
> ability. ideally, we would use some programs like asmutils and e3 (see
>, except in 68k assembly.

Yes. I am also not much of a programmer, but this is one of the things
that I want to do in order to correct that problem. And besides, an
intimate knowledge of the Linux kernel and of the M68k processor will
certainly come in handy _somewhere_ down the road.

> really, we should contact with something like this, after
> doing as much research as we can first. then, we should "scour"
> freshmeat for interested developers, and try to get the project
> rolling. i have sufficient web space, so that's no problem. or, if we
> wanted, we could set ourselves up on -- that seems to be
> the popular option these days. :^)

I haven't seen many "project recruiting" posts on Freshmeat, if at all.
I'm leaning toward the SourceForge idea, because they have a "help
wanted" page that we could use. I'm assuming that you (Jon) are with me
on this, if anything. I'm going to fetch the latest uClinux tarball
sometime today and have a look at it. It will be interesting seeing how
it gets past the no-MMU problem.

> anyway, this would be a great thing to look into! i'm already excited.
> jon
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ...and now a bandwidth-hungry, pseudo-randomly selected fortune cookie:
> the human animal differs from the lesser primates in his passion for
> lists of "ten best".
> -- h. allen smith
> jon abbott - email []
> web []
> system uptime [1 day, 7 hours] - linux kernel version [2.3.99-pre8]

Neat sig. Same kernel version too :) So what if that has nothing to do
with the rest of this email...


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