Re: max ext2 fs size

From: Riley Williams (
Date: Fri May 19 2000 - 06:21:32 EST

Hi Matti.

>>>> What is maximum EXT2 filesystem size ?

>>> Yes. I believe it is limited to about 2 TB (yes, TERAbyte).

>> hmm.. it's limited by the triple-indirect block.

> No. That is maximum FILE size, not FILESYSTEM.

> In theory the EXT2 filesystem max size is 4G * blocksize.

> ( 4 * 10^9 * 4 * 10^3 = 16 * 10^12 = 16 TB for 4k blocks. )

I understand that on architectures with 8k pages, ext2 supports
8k blocksize. If so, you can double that and set the limit at
32 TB on such systems.

> Practicalities begin to hit at various places:

One practicality being the scarcity of 32 TB drives, I would

> Some block device drivers support only up to 2G * 512 bytes
> (I recall SCSI at least was one of these) = 1 TB.

No idea, so can't comment.

Best wishes from Riley.

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