Re: 2.3.99-pre9 ?

From: Jeff Garzik (
Date: Thu May 18 2000 - 09:58:08 EST

"Robert L. Harris" wrote:
> I've been checking all the mirrors and can't find -pre9, only -pre8.
> Is there a hidden mirror I've missed or something?

pre9 has not been released yet, it doesn't exist.

You might be looking for the bleeding edge,
kernel-hacker-or-power-user-only pre-pre patches available at
ftp://ftp.?? Of these, version
2.3.99-pre9-pre2 is the latest kernel.

FWIW you can run "finger" to determine the most recent
versions of the stable, development, and development pre-patch kernels.


Jeff Garzik              | Liberty is always dangerous, but
Building 1024            | it is the safest thing we have.
MandrakeSoft, Inc.       |      -- Harry Emerson Fosdick

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