Re: Interrupt handler problem

From: Arnaud Westenberg (
Date: Sat May 13 2000 - 12:05:53 EST

Mark Hahn wrote:

> if the hardware is too slow, you're just screwed, and must speed up the
> hardware. also, the normal technique is for a single instance of the
> interrupt handler to check for extra work before returning.

I see, so the handler shouldn't "return" (I know it can't return) when
new data has arrived. I will try this to see if it speeds things up. BTW
what happens when my handler is running and there's another request
generated with a higher priority?
> > This problem occurs on a P160, on a 486 with hardware wich is direct
> > addressable I have no problems.
> what does this mean? anything that runs on a 486 will run just fine on
> a higher processor.

Nope, the hardware on the 486 uses a single in/outb macro but the card
in the P166 uses two macro's to access a memory address wich ofcourse is

Greetings Arnaud

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