Re: serial.c

From: Dale Harris (
Date: Thu May 11 2000 - 18:45:43 EST

On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 05:12:32PM -0500, Ed Carp wrote:
> Commercial code typically has comments in it to the effect of "this block of
> code fixes bug #13456782", at least, and often has a short description of just
> what "bug #13456782" was. Why is there so much pressure to get a driver or
> a bug fix out the door that 5 minutes can't be spent to do even the simplest
> of comments? Ted, I'm surprised at you - you've been around long enough to
> know that meaningful comments are more than helpful. Why the negative comments
> about something that your experience tells you can be of use?

Frankly, I think you're being hypersensitive. If you ever read this list
for any length, it would seem evident that you have to take everything with
a grain of salt, and, of course, develop a thick skin. If for no other
reason some people on here could very well have been awake for 26 hours
straight or are not properly caffeinated, some things will come right off
the cuff. Course when you factor in egos, well, you know how that can go.

A big note that most commercial code is not open, so you'd never even have
the benefit of seeing documentation "this block of code fixes bug #2352352"
(course you'd never see anything quite like that in Linux because that
demonstrates some central control, like HPUX, that Linux lacks). I don't
think anyone will argue that not having a little more documentation would be
bad, but I don't think can necessarily expect it to occur overnight. Just as
with everything else, action speaks louder than words, documentation is not
written by itself. Trying to get all these kernel hackers to do something you
want them to do, will be like herding cats. Sure ways to get things done
in Linux:

1) Do it yourself.
2) Pay someone else to do it.

And remember, Linux is not your father's OS. The beauty is that option 1
is even available.


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