SMP for Sparc broken in 2.3.x

From: Sean Hunter (
Date: Mon May 08 2000 - 15:39:58 EST

I've got a sparc 10 with 4 Ross HyperSparc cpus. I'd really like to
use 2.3, because before I got the Hypersparcs 2.3 worked magic with
the single supersparc it had in it, but 2.3.99-pre 1-6 just don't
work SMP on this machine.

Symptoms are very strange, so indulge me, but I'll try any tests
anyone would like. Basically, the machine boots up to the login
prompt. This seems to work fine, apart from the fact that instead of
saying "bela login:"[1] it says "(none) login:".

When you try to log in it fails and brings back the prompt.


[1]named after Bartok, of course

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