Re: Floating point in kernel

From: Ron Flory (
Date: Mon May 08 2000 - 08:41:52 EST

> > foo = some_other_ulong * 1234;
> > ^__ sequence point
> > foo /= 1000;
> As far as I know this is not needed at all.
> * and / have the same precedence and associativity is specified from
> left to right so this is interpreted as:
> foo = (some_other_ulong * 1234) / 1000
> It's not guaranted that some_other_ulong * 1234 is evaluated before 1000
> but we are sure that multiplication is done before division.
> If I'm wrong I'd like to know ASAP as I've written bogus C code for 15
> years now ;-))

 Its a matter of what compiler/optimizer you are using, and how portable
you want to be. I have personally seen at least two commercial
compilers return -very- bogus results for situations exactly like this
unless the statements above are seperated onto different lines.


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