Re: problem with HD 40Gb/promise 66

From: Guest section DW (
Date: Sun Apr 16 2000 - 13:35:18 EST

On Sun, Apr 16, 2000 at 07:28:32PM +0200, octave klaba wrote:

> on P166/32/2x promise with 4xhd 40Gb maxtor.
> We are some truble with the new Maxtor 40Gb:
> - on 2.2.14 BIOS/Linux does not detect 40Gb but only 8Gb
> - on 2.2.14 with 1xpromise 66 we can not put 4xhd on master/slave/master/slave
> - on 2.2.14 with 2xpromise 66 (4xmaster) it detects 8Gb only
> What we did is:
> on 2.2.14 we moved hdreg.h from 2.3.99pre5 and it detects 40Gb but it
> is not stable (it crashed in tiotest in 100Go file RAID-0).
> The goemetrie found out in /proc
> physical 79406/16/63
> logical 79406/16/63
> raw 16383/16/63
> current 16383/16/63
> Can you help us ?

On 2.2.14 the new Maxtor 40 GB works perfectly well.
Moving fragments of other kernels to 2.2.14 sounds like a rather stupid action.

Take a vanilla 2.2.14, no patches at all, boot it without any boot parameters
and it works [on my machine].

If you cannot get it to work, give kernel boot messages (dmesg | grep hd)
and output of hdparm -i.

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