pre4-3: kmem_free: Bad obj (dentry_cache)]

From: David Schwartz (
Date: Fri Apr 07 2000 - 01:56:47 EST

        Sorry for the repost, but I didn't see this appear


        Any idea why my dual P3-500, pre4-3 news server with lots of SCSI
drives did this:

kmem_free: Bad obj addr (objp=dfbfb780, name=dentry_cache)
kernel BUG at slab.c:1651!
invalid operand: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c013661f>]
EFLAGS: 00010282
eax: 0000001b ebx: dfbfb7fc ecx: c026fc24 edx: df89bf7c
esi: c198b860 edi: dfbfbafc ebp: dfbfb780 esp: c19e9f50
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process kswapd (pid: 2, stackpage=c19e9000)
Stack: c0224f46 c02253f5 00000673 dfbfbb80 dfbfb780 00000000 0000000f
       00000004 c198b880 00000246 c0154cb0 c198b860 dfbfb780 c19e8000
       0000000f c19e8000 c0155044 0000000f 00000010 00000006 00000004
Call Trace: [<c0224f46>] [<c02253f5>] [<c0154cb0>] [<c0155044>]
[<c0138122>] [<c0138203>] [<c010908b>]
Code: 0f 0b eb 0c 56 57 68 6c 56 22 c0 e8 ad f7 ff ff 83 c4 0c 5b

cpu: 0, clocks: 1002148, slice: 334049
cpu: 1, clocks: 1002148, slice: 334049
invalid operand: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c013661f>]
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00010282
eax: 0000001b ebx: dfbfb7fc ecx: c026fc24 edx: df89bf7c
esi: c198b860 edi: dfbfbafc ebp: dfbfb780 esp: c19e9f50
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process kswapd (pid: 2, stackpage=c19e9000)
Stack: c0224f46 c02253f5 00000673 dfbfbb80 dfbfb780 00000000 0000000f
       00000004 c198b880 00000246 c0154cb0 c198b860 dfbfb780 c19e8000
       0000000f c19e8000 c0155044 0000000f 00000010 00000006 00000004
Call Trace: [<c0224f46>] [<c02253f5>] [<c0154cb0>] [<c0155044>]
[<c0138122>] [<c0138203>] [<c010908b>]
Code: 0f 0b eb 0c 56 57 68 6c 56 22 c0 e8 ad f7 ff ff 83 c4 0c 5b

>>EIP; c013661f <kmem_cache_free+423/440> <=====
Trace; c0224f46 <tvecs+19fe/13458>
Trace; c02253f5 <tvecs+1ead/13458>
Trace; c0154cb0 <prune_dcache+e8/114>
Trace; c0155044 <shrink_dcache_memory+78/108>
Trace; c0138122 <do_try_to_free_pages+4a/98>
Trace; c0138203 <kswapd+93/1b0>
Trace; c010908b <kernel_thread+23/30>
Code; c013661f <kmem_cache_free+423/440>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; c013661f <kmem_cache_free+423/440> <=====
   0: 0f 0b ud2a <=====
Code; c0136621 <kmem_cache_free+425/440>
   2: eb 0c jmp 10 <_EIP+0x10> c013662f
Code; c0136623 <kmem_cache_free+427/440>
   4: 56 pushl %esi
Code; c0136624 <kmem_cache_free+428/440>
   5: 57 pushl %edi
Code; c0136625 <kmem_cache_free+429/440>
   6: 68 6c 56 22 c0 pushl $0xc022566c
Code; c013662a <kmem_cache_free+42e/440>
   b: e8 ad f7 ff ff call fffff7bd <_EIP+0xfffff7bd>
c0135ddc <kmem_report_free_err+0/34>
Code; c013662f <kmem_cache_free+433/440>
  10: 83 c4 0c addl $0xc,%esp
Code; c0136632 <kmem_cache_free+436/440>
  13: 5b popl %ebx

cpu: 0, clocks: 1002148, slice: 334049
cpu: 1, clocks: 1002148, slice: 334049


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