Re: Music CD's

From: Nicolas MONNET (
Date: Thu Apr 06 2000 - 05:21:08 EST

Alan Cox wrote:

>> someone saying we should have one/it's a WIP/it's out there. What's
>> the story? Assuming there is such a beast out there, is there a reason
>> it's not in the kernel?
>If its in kernel someone did it wrong. You can do it just as well using
>userspace and the coda vfs hooks. Audio sector format doesnt fit the VFS
>caches in the first place.

What's the story here; I read something some time ago about an NFS-based
filesystem. It's "just" basically about implementing the right RPC stuff.
Isn't Coda going to be much more complicated? And what's the benefit? Any

(I have a little project in mind using this).

And how does it relate to the Perl filesystem?

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