Re: >64MB RAM problems, why?

From: david parsons (
Date: Wed Apr 05 2000 - 14:49:35 EST

In article <>,
 <> wrote:

>So, which is it? A Linux problem or a BIOS problem. If it is a BIOS
>problem, how does Windows properly detect the amount of RAM.

    It's a Linux problem, which is solved in 2.3 (and presumably in 2.4
    unless Linus is absorbed by the Borg and rips the whole fancy memory
    patch out because only Windows should do correct memory detection.)

>I've also heard that 2.4 solves this problems. How hard would it be to
>"back-port" the solution to 2.2?

    Not too hard; there are versions of the current fancy memory detect
    code for 1.2, 2.0, and 2.3.bignum, so one of them (probably the 2.0)
    could be moved over to 2.2 without too much trouble.

    The problem is finding someone to do it. Nathan Zook and I are
    passing around memory patches like a flock of hot potatoes, and I
    believe both of us have written 2.2 patches at one time or another.
    Mine is really really old (predating the first "it sucks!" review by
    Linus) and I'm not really sure where to find it anymore, and I'm not
    sure about Nathan's work.

    david parsons \bi/ Look on the lkml for ``fancy memory detection''

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