2.3.99-pre4-4 oops running vmware

From: Tigran Aivazian (tigran@veritas.com)
Date: Wed Apr 05 2000 - 14:06:17 EST

Hi guys,

Anyone fixed this one yet?

ksymoops 0.7c on i686 2.3.99-pre4. Options used
     -V (default)
     -k /proc/ksyms (default)
     -l /proc/modules (default)
     -o /lib/modules/2.3.99-pre4/ (default)
     -m /usr/src/linux/System.map (default)

Warning: You did not tell me where to find symbol information. I will
assume that the log matches the kernel and modules that are running
right now and I'll use the default options above for symbol resolution.
If the current kernel and/or modules do not match the log, you can get
more accurate output by telling me the kernel version and where to find
map, modules, ksyms etc. ksymoops -h explains the options.

Reading Oops report from the terminal
Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000022
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU: 1
EIP: 0010:[<c014d494>]
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00013202
eax: 00000003 ebx: c15f0b40 ecx: 00000000 edx: 00000000
esi: c9167f78 edi: 00000001 ebp: c9167f78 esp: c9167eb0
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process vmware (pid: 674, stackpage=c9167000)
Stack: c15f0b40 c9167f78 c15f0b40 c9167f78 c014d9f0 00000000 00000001 c15f0b40
       c9167f78 00000003 00000002 cdc63420 00003282 00000000 ccded180 c01f8877
       cf6a2271 c014dcda c9167f78 c15f0b40 00000001 c15f0b40 00000000 c9167f78
Call Trace: [<c014d9f0>] [<c01f8877>] [<c014dcda>] [<c013e05a>] [<c0175c69>] [<c01132a6>] [<c010c0a5>]
       [<c010bf7c>] [<c010002b>]
Code: 0f b7 59 22 8b 81 9c 00 00 00 85 c0 74 13 8b 40 30 85 c0 74

>>EIP; c014d494 <permission+c/114> <=====
Trace; c014d9f0 <lookup_dentry+23c/25c>
Trace; c01f8877 <vsprintf+38f/3cc>
Trace; c014dcda <open_namei+52/394>
Trace; c013e05a <__filp_open+3e/64>
Trace; c0175c69 <sys_shmat+119/290>
Trace; c01132a6 <sys_ipc+15a/1d4>
Trace; c010c0a5 <error_code+2d/38>
Trace; c010bf7c <system_call+34/38>
Trace; c010002b <startup_32+2b/c5>
Code; c014d494 <permission+c/114>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; c014d494 <permission+c/114> <=====
   0: 0f b7 59 22 movzwl 0x22(%ecx),%ebx <=====
Code; c014d498 <permission+10/114>
   4: 8b 81 9c 00 00 00 movl 0x9c(%ecx),%eax
Code; c014d49e <permission+16/114>
   a: 85 c0 testl %eax,%eax
Code; c014d4a0 <permission+18/114>
   c: 74 13 je 21 <_EIP+0x21> c014d4b5 <permission+2d/114>
Code; c014d4a2 <permission+1a/114>
   e: 8b 40 30 movl 0x30(%eax),%eax
Code; c014d4a5 <permission+1d/114>
  11: 85 c0 testl %eax,%eax
Code; c014d4a7 <permission+1f/114>
  13: 74 00 je 15 <_EIP+0x15> c014d4a9 <permission+21/114>

1 warning issued. Results may not be reliable.

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