Re: DCACHE Pinning Problems with rm -r on 2.2.15/2.3.99Pre3 withNWFS2.2.2

From: Trond Myklebust (
Date: Tue Apr 04 2000 - 17:00:56 EST

>>>>> " " == Stephen C Tweedie <> writes:

> What is the problem? You just cannot assume that the pointer
> progresses in a nice, arithmetic patter in directories. If you
> are at lseek() point P and read Q bytes, you are not going to
> end up at P+Q: the actual file location you end up at depends
> on how much padding there was in the directory and how much
> extra filesystem metadata was there that didn't get returned to
> user space. It's not just odd cases like NFS that have this
> property: even ext2 does.

Indeed, NFS currently (for 2.3.99-pre4 at least) just mirrors whatever
assumptions the server has. If the latter does whatever the underlying
filesystem does --as is the case for knfsd-- then the NFS client will


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